Monday, January 15, 2007

Truth or Consequences

Greetings from the middle of New Mexico - specifically a town called Truth or Consequences. I thought that was cool, though it was rather anticlimatic for such a fascinating name.

We are on the road, officially. After thinking, planning, talking and prepping for so long, we are finally off. I admit, I don't exactly feel fully equipped. But the again, we've been emersed for over 2 weeks, so I guess it's all in there...just need to get out there and get after it.

We left yesterday afternoon and we're caravanning with the Middle America team. It's been really uncertain and sketchy driving into the heart of this insane ice storm in the midwest. But it's moved south in Texas and our route cleared up, we hope. So we are now on our way to Oklahoma City and we'll be staying there tonight.

Our first screening is in Memphis on Wednesday. We're on our way to see the king. Get excited.

So...reflections. As I feel I've said a hundred times, it's been a bit of a blur the last few weeks. The Lord is really stretching me and challenging me thru this journey. Everything I knew from before and everything that I found comfort in is gone - friends, routine, personal space and time, predictability, home, everything. Different seasons.

So I'm struggling in this new season to see where and how the Lord wants to work in and through me. I find that when we are in completely new seasons, we flounder for a while, wondering how God can possibly work in these new circumstances. Well, at least I do that. Silly people. As if God has adaptation problems or something. I certainly do though, so I'm just praying that I'll stop fighting the differences and uncertanties and embrace the newness. I don't want to miss the forest for the trees. I don't want to miss the experience or opportunties or the Lord Himself for sake of introspection.

So pray for me - that I would really seek and stand on the Lord's strength and constancy in the different circumstances. It is when I rely on myself or am complacent that I bear no fruit or bad fruit in relationships and in my own heart. I want to grow closer to the Lord through this journey and I want other to be pointed toward him through it also.

More to come.

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